Draw Prize

Enter the prize information.



Draw Date/ Location:

Select the draw date/location which were entered on the previous page.
By default a prize row will be added for each draw.

Prize Description:

Enter a description of the prize being raffled.  
In the case of a 50/50 draw, this will be default to  Percentage of Ticket Sales.  Use Insert Row to add multiple prize descriptions for each raffle.


Enter how many of each prize are being raffled.

Retail Value (each):

Enter the approximate retail value of each prize for each raffle date.

Retail Value Extended:

Enter how much the charity paid for the prize; leave total as zero if the prize was donated.


50/50 Draws:
For a 50/50 draw the system will insert a default zero dollar prize for each draw and then put the 50% value on the final draw prize.

Also See,
Insert/Delete Rows

Previous/Next/Finish Buttons

Step Indicator Links